Monthly Feature: Data Is the New Oil, When Refined! Join Us on March 7th for a Workshop Supported by NRCan’s RETScreen

Data: The new oil, when refined, and RETScreen is the refinery.

March 7th, 2024, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Interest in Smart Grid, Green Button, Energy Management, etc. – starts with the DATA.

Join us for dynamic 90-minute workshop supported by NRCan’s RETScreen. At this event, we'll answer the question:
“How does refining utility interval data provide valuable insights?” We’ll explore the perspectives of: Utilities, Customers, and Service Providers.

Event Highlights:

  • Utility Perspective: Explore how raw interval data can unveil crucial insights for energy use. Learn how tools like RETScreen can reveal energy profiles, empowering utilities to better serve their customers and optimize their own operations.

  • Customer Perspective: Gain a deeper understanding of your plant or facility's performance and the reasons behind it. Dive into topics like base load analysis and harness the power of RETScreen's new features to decipher energy profiles, assess operational impacts, and track carbon emissions.

  • Service Provider Perspective: Discover how third-party providers leverage RETScreen’s advanced features to support Measurement and Verification, ESG reporting, Net Zero initiatives, and energy efficiency programs.

Featured Speakers: