Energy@Work provided advice and expertise during this year’s BOMA Toronto Annual Global Adjustment (GA) Workshop:

Energy@Work shared the secrets to winning the (GAM)e to the over 100 participants:
Decision #1: Be prepared and ready for the June 15th annual deadline
Decision #2: Starting June 16th, engage your Energy Management Action Plan <E-MAP>
With GA costing over $1 Billion each month it is a good GAMe to win!

The COVID response is testing the players’ knowledge and winning the 2020-21 (GAM)e is going to be very challenging.
As shown below, each property has their own electricity response when we compared electricity reduction between 2 periods: pre-COVID and during COVID.

1 GA Post.png

If you missed the workshop, click here to obtain a copy of the presentation and learn what should be considered for Decision #1 before the June 15th deadline.